

Welcome to the Sioux Empire Amateur Radio Club (SEARC) website.  SEARC is a diverse group of amateur radio operators (Hams) that are interested in learning, collaborating and promoting the hobby, sport and service of amateur radio in the Sioux Falls, South Dakota metropolitan area and southeast South Dakota.  SEARC is an ARRL affiliated club.

We hope you find this website to be a valuable tool and resource for members and non-members alike.  Please provide your feedback, comments and suggestions.  You may also follow our activities on QRZ.com or Like us on Facebook.  Both Hams and non-Hams are encouraged to participate in our club, nets and club activities. All are welcome!

73’s & Best regards,
Sioux Empire Amateur Radio Club Membership

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Thank you to the US National Weather Service Sioux Falls South Dakota for hosting SEARC for SkyWarn Recognition Day 2024! We were able to make a number of contacts with NWS offices across the nation and had a great tour and discussions with NWS staff. Looking forward to next year! ... See MoreSee Less
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Come join the Sioux Empire Amateur Radio Club for the 2024 ARRL field day this Saturday (June 22nd) and Sunday. Field Day activities will be held at the Minnehaha County Emergency Management building. Setup will start around 9:30 AM with the event commencing at 1 PM on Saturday.  Field Day runs through 1 PM central time on Sunday. Come socialize, operate, and learn more about the amateur radio hobby. Stations will be set up for phone, CW, and digital.  ... See MoreSee Less
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