Big Sioux Rec. Area Radio Active for POTA Weekend

Saturday, April 20th, SEARC gathered for the “Support your Parks” spring POTA Special Event at the Big Sioux Recreation Area in Brandon, SD. This event was part of the Parks on the Air (POTA) program, which aims to promote amateur radio activity in parks and recreational areas across the country. POTA provides a unique opportunity for amateur radio operators to combine their love for radio communication with their passion for the outdoors.

In the POTA program, participants are divided into two roles: hunters and activators. Hunters are amateur radio operators who try to make contact with activators operating from parks, while activators are the operators who set up portable stations in parks and make radio contacts. The goal is for activators to activate as many parks as possible, while hunters aim to make contact with as many parks and activators as they can.

Support Your Parks Weekend is a quarterly event hosted by the Parks on the Air (POTA) organization. It takes place on the third full weekend of April, and in 2024, it was held from April 20th & 21nd 2024. The event includes activities and events at National Park Service parks, programs, and partners.

The “Support your Parks” POTA Special Event was a chance for both hunters and activators to come together and enjoy a day of outdoor radio activity. SEARC setup at the park around 9 a.m. and begin operating after the Saturday morning Trader Swap Net on the 444.200 repeater. It was a day filled with camaraderie and support, as we helped each other activate the park and overcome any challenges we encountered.

We extend our thanks to all who joined us at the park for the “Support your Parks” weekend. Your participation and enthusiasm made the day a success. We look forward to organizing more POTA outings in the future, providing opportunities for everyone to participate and enjoy the combination of amateur radio and the great outdoors. Stay tuned for upcoming events and activations!